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Android secret code Don't tell anyone


How to test Your Xiaomi Smartphone


MX player hidden features


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A small game for c beginners

#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> int generate(void); int fun(int); void main() {  int i,a,r;  clrscr();  gotoxy(30,12);  printf("Harsh Welcomes You! IN THE JARGON OF A NUMBER..");  printf("press any key to continue....");  getch();  clrscr();  gotoxy(15,8);  printf("Just think a number between 1 to 63 in your mind");  printf("  Think on one ");  printf("Do not enter that number");  printf("  I will find that number on your mind....");  printf(" Press any key to continue...");  getch();  clrscr();  gotoxy(20,7);  printf("By Just answering few questions....");  printf("If your number is present in the numbers");  printf(" shown on your screen,    Then press P and if not present");  printf(" then press N    ");  printf(" But please be honest while entering the answer...");  printf("Press any key to c...